A quiet day
We're in Guangzhou now, staying at the Victory Hotel on Shamian Island. This area was developed by the British and French, and has a very European feel to it. They really cater to westerners here, and we were able to get Hannah a grilled cheese sandwich and french fries after arriving yesterday. More processed cheese! There is also a playground and public swimming pool here, so Hannah is having a great time.
Both of the girls are doing great. Lucy is such a big girl, and a big eater! Grandma will be in heaven.
Today is Sunday in China, and a quiet day for us. We are going to a park later this afternoon with the group, then to Dim Sum dinner at a famous restaurant. Tomorrow we're off to have Lucy's medical exam performed, and apply for her visa for US entry. After that, it's just waiting around until all the paperwork is processed.
One thing we've had fun with is looking for signs translated into English. They don't always translate well. Sometimes it's easy to figure out what the meaning is, but other times, it's a mystery.
Originally uploaded by MomTo2.
Originally uploaded by MomTo2.
I'll leave today with a few random pictures. I'm taking advantage of some "quiet time" (Hannah knows that phrase), while the girls, Roger and Marian are at the playground. I'm nursing a cold, and don't want it to worsen, so a nap is in order.
We miss everyone!This is Hannah's new look. She refuses to take a bath, and wants to wear her hat all the time. She's figured out she gets less attention from the Chinese if they can't see her hair.
Originally uploaded by MomTo2.
Big sister helping feed Lucy. She kept saying "I'm done Mom." Oh well, at least I got the picture!Originally uploaded by MomTo2.
Auntie and Lucy. They kind of like each other.Originally uploaded by MomTo2.
Hope all is well in China! Nik and I are checking the blog site 2-3 times a day! (doesn't make sense, we know, but we just can't help ourselves). Thanks for the pictures and entries!! We love 'em!
Dave and the boys
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